"Congratulations, the "thing" you attracted with all of your recent
activity gave you a visual appearance. Well now we know its male.
Prefers a human appearance but that doesn't entirely mean he's human
yet. You'd have to test him to find out. In my own background, beginners
usually come across demons, I don't know why, they are bored or
something. May or may not be the case for you though. Its up in air as
to "what" he is right now. Please be cautious. He might be "possessing"
you if he is in fact a demon to do your pendulum exercise and answer all
your questions...YOU ARE AWARE THEY WANT PAYMENT at some point don't
you? Not always your soul, either...Like err, umm....awkward...Sex (have
you had any naughty dreams lately)??? And draining your life force? Do
you feel tired and confused? You've got me worried kid. You won't die,
so don't fret. However, demons are way harder to get rid of than say
ghosts or dimensional beings. Look up incubus on Wikipedia."
"Why are you doing all of this anyway? Is it not in direct conflict of your professed faith?
Are spiritually sadomasochistic? I'm so confused you you lately."
"Not trying to be negative, just desperately trying to understand your world view here, so please don't be upset."
I'm so confused by her reaction. I thought she'd be as happy and excited for me as Grim was, but instead she's convinced I've let a demon into my life. I mean anything is possible, but why is she jumping to the absolute worst conclusion? Plus, nothing that I've written even points in that direction. Her reaction doesn't really make sense to me. And for her to question my faith in God is a complete slap in the face. I really don't get what her problem is.
I continued to question her on this and she informed me that demons are attracted to the whole question and answer thing, a lot of the time when someone is using a pendulum, they are really talking to a demon. Demons are also great at pretending.
When I asked her why was she assuming the worst when there is a possibility that this isnt the case, she said that it's bc demons are vain and bc he made an appearance to me, it shows his vanity. Most ppl don't usually see their guides. I told her that I've read of a lot of ppl seeing angels and their guides. She told me that to guides helping is more important than me seeing them and that they next to never move your body for you bc they can't, they are too far away and their energy is too weak.
I tell her that from my readings I'm not sure if thats the case, but I will definitely keep it in mind.
She is still determined that it is a demon that I am speaking to and she says her heart goes out to me. She also insists on casting out this demon.
I am not convinced however, so I tell her
"i asked to speak to my spirit guide and made it clear i did not want to
speak to anyone that was not of God. i also cleansed the home before i
went into to meet him and cleansed the home at his urging. as far as
everything you're saying i will keep it in mind, however i haven't seen
any proof of him being a demon. all i've encountered was him encouraging
me to work on seeing auras so i can continue on my quest to heal."
She replies, "Demons are of God, in a twist of words at least, God made them, they are cast out angels, they were not born demons."
This is a very good point, so I ask her advice on what I should have asked him to make sure that this isn't the case. She says to me:
"sigh...As him what he wants, what his intentions are, look for hesitation
try to find out what his goal is in helping you
are you able to tell when something is drawing information from your thoughts?"
asked him what he wanted. he said he wanted to heal. i asked his
intentions and he said he intends to see me through my quest as a healer
yes i can
....he wanted to heal? If he is a demon then he wants redemption at least
you want to be a healer
what kind
like laying on of hands like Yeshua?
i've asked him what kind of healer b4 and he said energy
which makes complete sense seeing what his name is
And at this point I realize she hasn't really read what I wrote to her to begin with.
you know his name????????????????
you have power over him then, unless he's lying
what? kali...you didnt even bother to read my msg did you?
i told you his name, what it meant, how it had meaning to me, etc
she then tells she only read half of it and will go back and read the rest =/
She goes on to tell me this:
Omoto isn't just any plant, which you do know because you did research
it, the Japanese name for the ornamental plant Rohdea japonica otherwise
known as Nippon Lily, Sacred Lily, and Japanese Sacred Lily....are you
getting this? A Lily! Your guide wants you to talk to a Lily...But
you've already met a "lily" or rather the lily. Whose name sounds like
Lily? My brain hurts. The world is a strange place to live in...
She then goes on to tell me how she's glad that I met up with Lilith again, that she won't hurt me and tells me that I have a very interesting life ahead of me.
I definitely agree with that last part.
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