Sunday, February 20, 2011

second and last reiki day

Just finished my first Reiki meditation on my own.  It was intense and very spiritual.  I felt like I connected more with my spirit guides.  I asked for my crown to be completely open. They/he asked if I was sure and I said yes. He told me what to do while doing my meditations.  My body wasn't mine atm. I tried to move at one point but couldn't.  I felt when I was given energy. My fingers were being moved for me. It was very special and unreal, but completely real. At one point I felt my breathes getting smaller. Until I was almost to the point of not breathing.  Thats a really good thing.  But I was conscious of it and started to panic.  He told me I wasn't ready and I said I was. But my breathes slowly was brought back to normal.  When we were done I was  released.  I feel like this is a good start.  Though I am still feeling somewhat lost as to where to go now. Until I'm able to get my pendulum I think I'll stick to getting better on my meditations and self healing.  Also, I have to tell you about what happened today! So I told you last night about Reiki and my chakra in my throat being blocked right? well today we worked with pendulums, which is so crazy to me. It actually worked.  You have to a ask it to say yes or "show me yes." then "show me no." and then it moves with each question. then you ask it "are you for me?" and it moves to tell you either yes or no.  The frst one I wanted wasn't for me.  The second one I chose was. then we asked the pendulum to show us or tell us about the different levels in our chakras and this was to see how open that level of chakra was or how blocked it was.  Well I did my root chakra,  which was fine. The sacral -fine. Solar plexus- fine. Heart..seemed a little weak to me. Barely. Moved! I was floored! Then Monica looks at me and tells me we need to work on your throat chakra.  But i mean.. that dream basically told me that my throat chakra was blocked and it told me why and then I go and do the pendulum and it confirmed it. And there was again a lot of talk about forgiveness.  I was like OKAY spirit guides! I get it! Lol.

I got the Peace Offering card, I got the dream. I got the pendulum I got Monica constantly speaking of forgiveness and I'm like ALRIGHT already! Lol. also Monica was telling us about these fairies and gnomes she seen and we're all like o_O. But crazy thing is I believed her! Everything just seems to be right. I'm at peace. I'll be getting my pendulum Wednesday when I'm off. Can't wait! also my third eye was open and so was my crown. But I'm literally begging for it to be more open for me to get more info. Not so much my third eye though, lol. That will come in time.


  1. you know how people talk about a show you never heard of and they keep mentioning objects and people you don't know of....? i feel that way right now. i really need to do some research on this pendulum and third eye.
    i feel like i'm with all my friends and their talking about "the bad girls club or the tv show lost.

    1. lmao, yeah i dont do too much explaining on this blog, i guess if you're not really familiar with the terminology you won't know what it is i'm talking about exactly. a quick google search should be able to fix that.

  2. I'm glade your meditations are getting better though

  3. I want you to explain. And I'll ask silly questions. It will make fun. :)

    1. lol okay, but with those two questions i think it kind of explains itself throughout the blog. lol.
